Thursday, August 11, 2022

Decrapify windows 10 download free. n1snt/Windows-Decrapifier

Decrapify windows 10 download free. n1snt/Windows-Decrapifier

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- Windows 10 Decrapifier · GitHub 



Download PC Decrapifier - MajorGeeks.Download PC Decrapifier for Windows 10, 7, 8/ (64 bit/32 bit)


Are you an IT Pro? Creating your account only takes a few minutes. Login Join. This way, no surprises! Also sets most privacy settings to "opt-in" by default. Not recommended for and earlier - although it will work, some settings will not. Version 2 is still available and works great on those older Windows builds.

Editable variables are near the top of the script. There are 2: one for the apps you want to keep, and custom XML for a start menu layout. If run with no switches, the script disables some unnecessary services and scheduled tasks. Removes all UWP apps except for some useful ones and ones you specify. Disables Cortana, OneDrive, restricts default privacy settings and cleans up the default start menu not the start menu of the account it is run from though.

Switches: -allapps: Removes ALL apps including the store. Make sure this is what you want before you do it. It can be tough to get the store back. They are set to restricted by default in this script. Cannot be used with -settingsonly switch.

Can be used with all the others. Leaves apps. Cannot be used with -appsonly switch. Can be used with all others -allapps won't do anything in that case. If you have any questions or problems to report please come to the user group! It is the best place to do so as I don't check the comments section here that often. I've been waiting for this!

Although I've made some edits to the Decrapifier V2, I can easily add those in here. I'll throw this script on a VM and test it out. Thanks again for all your work! I want to remove the all apps but leave the store, calc, paint. So the -allapps isn't an option. Does the appsonly include those three as well? How would I exclude certain apps? Awesome Job. I've been trying to do something like this myself, you've saved me many hours of time. So I think this may have broken my mic input, but I really don't know how.

If anyone has a similar issue I would love a push in the right direction. It sees my audio device, however it no longer shows any signs of a signal, neither in the standard windows audio device menus, or discord, which is primarily where I use my mic.

I used an audio test website that somehow was able to see the audio just fine, which I thought was strange. Yes, I've uninstalled and reinstalled drivers for my audio interface, disabled devices etc. Basically anything I could mess around with in settings I did to no avail.

Last ditch effort to post here just incase there was some sort of functionality that this could have removed that I was not aware of.

The script makes them off by default. The - appaccess switch will bypass this behaviour. Remember people read the script through before you run it folks, it's all commented and might save you some surprises :. Thank you m8 for your excellent up-to-date script. Awesome Job! There is only one problem. Result not all the APPS are removed. I can't see whether it also applies to settings.

Running the script twice will result in the same error but it seems that all the APPS are removed. Same script, same settings: "Run with no switches". Love the script. One issue I am having is apps like Xbox Microsoft soltiare are remaining. Any guess? Is there a way with in this script to set IE11 as default for all users and pin it to the taskbar?

Question about the start menu layout. I would like to add the following that customized the task bar pin list. How can I incorporate the following with your script?

Thanks in advance! I really do appreciate what you do! Get the code. Tested and works great in - Source Code This script has not been checked by Spiceworks.

Please understand the risks before using it. Change many privacy settings to be off by default. Remove built-in advertising, Cortana, OneDrive, Cortana stuff all optional. Disable some data collection. Clean up the start menu for new user accounts. Remove a bunch of pre-installed apps, or all of them including the store. Create a more professional looking W10 experience. Changes some settings no longer available via GPO for Professional edition. All of this without breaking Windows.

The -allapps switch is there but I do not recommend most people use it. I encourage you to research these changes beforehand, and read through the script. Each section is described with comments, to make it easier to see what's going on. Running from an existing profile on an "in-use" machine won't affect any already-existing user profiles and won't give the best results.

Read through the script to see what is disabled, and comment out anything you want to keep. Removes all UWP apps except for some useful ones. Disables Cortana, OneDrive, restricts default privacy settings and cleans up the default start menu.

This will prevent that from happening. Cannot be used with -SettingsOnly switch. Cannot be used with -AppsOnly switch. Can be used with all others -AllApps won't do anything in that case, obviously. Wildcard is implied so try to be specific enough to not overlap with apps you do want removed.

Make sure not begin or end with a " ". Commented out by default. Get-Service DmwApPushService -erroraction silentlycontinue stop-service -passthru set-service -startuptype disabled Disable OneSync service - Used to sync various apps and settings if you enable that contacts, etc.

Commented out by default to not break functionality. None of these effective anymore in !!! Left enabled by default. Creates empty start menu if -ClearStart is used. Set-Executionpolicy restricted is the Windows 10 default. Join or Login to share what you think! Mysguyded Jul 17, at UTC. Dashrender Jul 17, at UTC.

Allusers is implied now all the time, so no need for the switch :. Poor copy and paste on my part lol. It was the link that was added at the bottom.

Read these next


Decrapify windows 10 download free


Note: Article Still Under decrapfy. Definition: Crapware. Crapware also known as "bloatware" or "junkware" is the stuff that hardware makers install onto their devices on top of the operating system. Why do they do this? They are paid to. The software maker pays them to install these "free trials". The software makers are betting that even a downpoad percentage of users will convert from the free trial to the paid full version.

Some makers, and even MS itself, offer to sell you "clean" systems with no crapware installed. MS is also in on the act of installing "crapware". Windows 10 now comes with a lot of games decrapify windows 10 download free "free trials" and other utilities wimdows are decrapify windows 10 download free directly required by Windows or business users.

Windows 10 Home has one set of crapware, but even "Business" versions of Windows now include a different set of "free" crapware, including some games!

Definition: Decrapify. It can be extended to include unwanted files. You expect a new computer to be optimized and ready to go. But it is not. The installation is generic, settings favor MS's views.

And builders are paid to install "demonstration" software. Some is fully functional, some is functionally decrapify windows 10 download free, almost all is time limited. The best known example is Microsoft Office. Most new computers come with a free trial of Office installed. But if it is decrapify windows 10 download free the exact same bundle you plan to use, the trial is decrapify windows 10 download free space.

As well, over time нажмите чтобы перейти unused applications and files accumulate on the computer. For example, some programs you install intentionally "sneak in" "free", optional demonstrator programs.

Some of these "extras" are benign, they just waste space. Others are actually malware. Now there is another problem on the horizon. MS and computer builders have been pushing small cheap laptops and tablets. One of the "cost savings" is they come with 32GB hard drives.

While on the surface that sounds reasonable since MS says Windows 10 only needs 20GB for a 64bit downloav. Note iwndows in AprilMS revised the minimum space odwnload. For both 32 and 64bit Windows 10, starting with Version the minimum space required for Windows alone is 32GB. I'm sure that contributed to upping the minimum limit to 32GB. That leaves 12 GB, seemingly lots of space. But Office takes about 4GB depending frde the specific Office bundle you haveplus the other factory installed crapware and that after Office 9GB starts shrinking quickly.

Although it is impolitic to say so here, I find a lot of the new "windows 10 store apps" also qualify as crapware. Why use "mail" when I rely on my deecrapify email Hotmail or Gmail. And decrapufy on, and so on. Then you throw in system нажмите для продолжения, and monthly updates which create uninstall backups and more space is quickly used up.

The real fix is to get a bigger drive. Decrapity it is not realistic for many devices. Instead we have to waste a lot of time doing frequent work a-rounds fere free up space for MS updates Why did MS do this?

Don't forget that Windows 10 has been in development for several years prior to it's release in But now, decrapify windows 10 download free to "feature creep" it simply is not enough. Got a 32GB Windows 10 device? You probably shouldn't have bought it, but here's how to make жмите сюда it doesn't stumble during the next Windows 10 update. Dell's G5 dectapify PC is back for one final set of tests in our decrapkfy.

The system already got a failing grade for decrapify windows 10 download free we think are insanely unethical billing decrapify windows 10 download free, but also for terrible, single-use build quality and mostly proprietary parts.

Dell is cutting corners everywhere possible on hardware. In this, we also get to see the software bloat decrapify windows 10 download free the gaming benchmarks and performance. The article identifies 19 potential crapps in Windows 10 Home. There is different set of crapps in Business editions of Windows 10, but they still include some of the games! Yes, Microsoft is one of the worst offenders when it comes to crapware.

What is really bad is they don't take no as an answer. MS makes it hard to uninstall some of it, the only way is to use PowerShell commands. And to add insult to injury, subsequent updates push out new code to those uninstalled crapplets. But because they have been uninstalled you no longer appear to have a way to delete those files. The apps aren't installed, so you can't uninstall, and the files are treated as system times with very limited access rights, making it hard windowz find a way to delete those files.

You end up with wasted space for files you can't run and can't delete! Actually, doing a "clean install" of Decrapify windows 10 download free downloaded from MS is the fastest and easiest way to eliminate crapware.

But you have to be selective down,oad it. For example. If you don't, you lose the free offer! Some of the "crapware" is useful utilities, such as tools to provide vendor specific control of video cards.

Check to see if you can download the installation file from cecrapify specific vendor. Move applications when possible to install on external drives some won't allow it, specifically MS Office!

Dosnload the built in "Disk Clean" utility or dpwnload freeware tool like CCleaner to delete unneeded "temp" files, like update setups and browser temps. Use an external drive as a supplement for the update downloar B. Install some applications to an External drive. For some devices, install a larger SSD drive, min 64GB, but more windoqs GB or more some small devices like tablets may not allow this. Out of all the software on your посмотреть больше, how many programs do you decrapify windows 10 download free use regularly?

Most people keep a fair amount of unnecessary software installed on their systems. While some of these apps are just outdated, others are downright windpws or dangerous. Today, though, this is /20822.txt longer the case. To see what I mean, take a look at the figure нажмите чтобы узнать больше. This is a clean installation of Windows 10 Enterprise Edition. Even though this edition is specifically geared toward business environments, the operating system is preloaded with an app for the Xbox console and other potentially unwanted software.

There is a free utility on GitHub that can do it for you. You can find this utility, which is appropriately named Windows 10 Debloater, at this link. That means after getting the basic application, you can customize it by adding or removing PowerShell scriptlets. Which ones should you dump? This article brings together all of the native Windows 10 decrapify windows 10 download free I know of to "decrapify" your computer, and windoss couple of new ones I haven't seen.

Windows 10 does come with a reasonably large amount of bloatware. In most cases, it is easy to remove. There are also a few different removal options, too: using the traditional uninstall, using PowerShell commands, and third-party installers.

Why would it? Apps like Facebook are now showing up out of nowhere, and even displaying notifications begging for me to use them. So why is it bugging me? The Microsoft Consumer Experience is actually a background task that runs whenever you sign into a Windows 10 PC with a new user account for the first time. Move applications when possible to install on external "SD" fee some apps won't allow it, specifically MS Office!

When your PC has limited storage space, or you simply want to keep things separate, use this guide to install or decrapify windows 10 download free apps to a different drive on Windows Install an Dowhload Card for Apps. For devices with an SD card slot, Windows 10 lets you move large apps and games from the main drive.

These days, you can get an SD card with dkwnload much as GBs of space. This is more than perfect for a system dwnload limited onboard space. Note: This only works with Microsoft Store apps. Classic desktop apps and those that come built into Downlowd 10 cannot be moved.

Select an app or game downloaded from the Windows Store, then click Move. Click on the Select a drive to move this app to: list box, choose the drive representing your SD card decrapify windows 10 download free click Move.


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